2018 - Music Focus Academy
Membership Policy Agreement.
(To be signed before or at first lesson.)
WE strive to have a powerful connection here at the Academy. Your willingness to participate and get the benefits of this program can only happen with mutual agreement. Our mission is to provide you with the best possible learning, and enrichment programs possible. Your agreement is that our programs deserve the consistency and support required to make this excellence a reality.
* New, easy, month to month Payment schedule.
* Complete personal interaction and online training augmentation included.
* New “presage” lessons help with missed appointments or vacation plans.
* Special ‘elective’ classes to strengthen your drive
Signature - I agree to the terms of this Music Focus Academy Membership Policy Agreement. _____________________________ (for ______________________________), date ________________ .
1. You agree to pay by the month until you decide to stop studying at Music Focus. Your current membership status must then be paid for in full, at least by the next month start. There is a $150 enrollment fee for all students ______. (unless waived____). This goes for “re-enrollment” as well. Lesson rates are always posted online and can only rise once a year, if at all (usually February).
2. The option to ‘skip’ all the rest of these numbered detail-points is available as well. Just pay once a month, come when you can, and that’s it. _____________________________
3. You agree to pay for at least 4 lessons every month. You can’t ‘miss’ or ‘skip’ classes. In months that have "5" of your regular weekdays, we'll both decide the best way to pay-for, or ‘presage’ that 5th lesson! (see item 5 on presage lessons). If we decide it best to pay, you would need to pay that extra lesson cost in the NEXT month's payment! We will stay in touch with you regarding extra amounts from extra lessons (beyond the required 4) or elective classes and workshops. ______. (see following items…)
4. Presage lesson system: We require you to ‘get ahead’ on your lesson card. We advise 4 presage lessons on your sig card (2 is minimum, 4 recommended, and 6 is allowed…). However, if you do have to ‘leave us’ permanently, for any reason (also see vacation allowance item #7…), you will be required to pay for the lessons you've taken, but haven’t already paid for______. You may make this payment at the regular start of the next month, or when you take your leave. Please be aware, a fee may be required to re-enroll with us again. We can offer a ‘continuance’ program, which is good for international students and very busy traveling-long-term students. This also entitles you to partake in the online portion of our program. (call for details.)
5. Presage lessons are simply extra sessions that you will have ‘taken-forward’ to ensure that if you DO need to miss an appointment that you have these ‘taken-ahead’ lessons already accounted for. As we stated (in item 3), you can’t "skip" or "cancel" lessons. With a buffer of presage sessions on your card, we keep a watch over your status relative to ‘current date’. If, for example, you take two weeks vacation, but had a 6 week ‘buffer’ of presage lessons, you’d still be 4 lessons ‘ahead’. We will advise you via email or text if you get to a point of only 2 lessons ‘ahead’. ______. HOW DO I “GET AHEAD” WITH THE “PRESAGE” PROGRAM? 1. Schedule a full extra lesson. - 2. Take an extra lesson before or after your regular appointment time (essentially a double lesson). - 3. Schedule an extra “1/2 lesson". - 4. Add an extra 1/2 lesson before or after your regular appointment. - 5. Take and use, as a lesson, an elective 'Student-Intensive’ session or any of the many workshops and master classes we offer.
6. If somehow your lesson card gets in ‘arrears’ we still offer you the chance to get back ‘even’ and then get ahead (as is our recommended policy). We have a 3 month allowance period if you DO get behind (there will be an ‘empty’ line on your sig card). If after 3 months you cannot seem to get the make-up lesson in, it will expire. ______.
7. We can offer a 2 week vacation from lessons (pay 1/2 month - we would only require 2 lessons that month.) You must let us know as far in advance as possible when that might be. ______.
8. REMEMBER, though you may miss an APPOINTMENT, you cannot cancel a LESSON! The items you agree to will make you a better and stronger participant in our drive toward excellence. Please call or email if you have any questions. PLEASE be willing to get ahead and stay in touch about missing an appointment FAR in advance. If you DO ‘no show’ for an appointed lesson, you agree to ‘sign-off’ on your missed lesson. ______. Our whole point is to get ahead of schedule so we have flexibility to get back on track, and stay on track!
9. LET US KNOW IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND AN APPOINTMENT. You still need to allow 4 day notice ‘protocol’ for legitimate NON-ATTENDANCE of a regular appointment (remember it is not a 'canceled' lesson). We commit to helping you stay informed about the current status of your tuition... YOU commit to staying AHEAD of the curve of upcoming possible appointment absences! _______.
10. Payments are due at the first of the month or first regular appointment. You may always pay for the months ‘ahead of time’, we will keep track of the payment on your sig card. ______. Currently we do not offer any sort of "refund" for lessons paid for, but not yet taken. However, your credit IS good for any other services Music Focus offers, including recording, rehearsal, even professional performance.
11. Music Focus reserves the right to end any student/teacher relationship at any time if serious problems with attitude, desire, and reasonable participation come into question. Though extremely rare, it is the case that if someone is not voluntarily and positively taking lessons, they probably shouldn't be. Please make sure that you or your person is as excited and respectful to the learning process as WE are... In the rare case of a problem, and we must let you 'go' - we WILL refund your remaining credit in the form of a check...
12. Remember, YOU might not see your progress as clearly as WE do, because you are YOU every day... It's similar to watching a 'cut' heal. You don't SEE it happening, but it is...!
Thank you!
Karl Grossman
Music Focus Academy Director
Email -
Talk/Text - 310-999-9275 (ZZZZ-ASK)
Online -
We want your lessons to be informative, innovative, challenging and fun. Let's keep the communications going both ways!
Karl Grossman
Music Focus Director
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